I was never really convinced about following a skin care regimen during my early age, and so I never had any at all when I was growing up! But with age (and thanks to the skin-care-products advertisements on TV), I started growing conscious of my skin. Were those really wrinkles on my forehead or laugh lines around my lips? Have my under eyes started sagging? Not sure if at 30 something such phenomenon sets in, but every other line on my face made me feel nervous….was I neglecting my skin, making it age before its time?
Lots of permutations and combinations of skin care routines later, I seriously decided to give Aloe Vera a chance. Given that most skin and hair care products boast of Aloe Vera as one of the key ingredients, why not give this little cactus a try? It is natural, cheap (plant it in a small pot on your window/balcony), easy to use and apparently gives skin the much needed moisture, resulting in enhanced elasticity. It is also known to contain vitamin E essential for our skin, and can reduce wrinkles and fine lines when used regularly.
Ways of using Aloe Vera:
Apply Directly – Split a leaf and a thick jelly-like juice oozes out. Take it in your fingers and apply on your face, neck, arms, legs, scalp (but do check with your doctor in case you are allergic). Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off with water till all the stickiness leaves your skin. Do not go out in the sun while you have the juice applied or immediately afterwards.
Juice Drink
- Alternative 1 (in pure form): Cut the Aloe Vera leaves into 1 inch pieces and put them to boil with enough water in a pot. Once it has boiled, remove the leaves and allow the liquid to cool. This liquid contains the juice from the aloe vera leaves. You can directly drink this juice once it has cooled, or add a few drops of orange/lime juice, a pinch of salt and sugar (according to taste) to the juice for a tangy taste.
- Alternative 2 (juice mocktail): Take the juice of 1 lime (or 1 orange), scoop out the jelly from 2 large Aloe Vera leaves and mix them in a blender with 1 tbsp of sugar and 1 glass of water. Serve this mocktail in a tall glass with ice cubes and your healthy Aloe Vera mocktail is ready!
Face Pack – You can make face pack with Aloe Vera at home, keep in the fridge and use everyday. Scoop out the jelly from the Aloe Vera leaves and mix with turmeric and honey. If the paste becomes too thick, add a few drops of rose water. Make a smooth paste and keep in an air-tight container. Daily use of this pack will give the skin a natural glow!
Fresh Aloe Vera juice/jelly mixed with a few drops of fresh lemon juice can also help remove the effects of sunburn/tanning.
While you could also buy creams, lotions and various other skin care products which contain Aloe Vera, having an Aloe Vera plant in your garden/balcony is certainly a much healthier and cost-effective way to a healthy, glowing skin J
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